Tuesday, October 24, 2006

kai ora

So I hear Kai Ora - a cooking show on Maori TV has been picked up by Sky TV......Whaddyaknow, a television show featuring real New Zealand culture, food, music, personalities is appealing to a global audience.
That's awesome and a lesson to all television producers - stop desperately pandering to overseas trends and have a look at what's going on NZ. You bastards.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Open Mic Night - by Bill Morris

In a shady corner of Dunedin....

I am an open microphone
Isolated on a stage at the end of a dark bar I stand.
Receptacle of spit; I swallow up the
frustrations of the city,
Unrequited love and confused politics,
hurled at the empty darkness.
It's half past nine, and
the barman's bored.
Fuck this, I'm outta here.
There's a better life for a microphone,
Take my cables and amps and hit the road -
try my luck in Nashville, I reckon.

Hi, everyone. I'm playing Arc cafe (Arcoustic) on Monday night from 9 pm. Would be great to get some punters along. It's usually a great relaxed evening with about 4 or 5 acts performing. come along and bring friends!

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Well I decided that as one of only two remaining Dunedin members of that dark, grizzled, much maligned beast -"Last Year's Class," I should step up and take on the film school nerds at their own game.
Blogs?! In my day we didn't have no new-fangled blogs. We vented our feelings the old-fashioned way - in tight bunches of discontent down the gloomiest hallways of the zoology building!
Ahh, those were the days... .
To my far flung ex-compatriots, let me fill you in. Certain members of the new intake have been moaning about how much work they have to do, and apparently this is our fault. (well they reckon some of us were asking for more work.) It has got so almost every problem encountered can be, and usually is, accredited to us. This includes the phone, which has been disconnected due to our apparent abuse of the toll call privilege. Heck, some of the more socially aware members of the group have even suggested we may be to blame, at least partly, for global warming and ethnic troubles in the Middle east.
I'm sorry I can't fill you in on their film ideas, as being a member of aforementioned League of Ass****s, I was deviously excluded from their pitching session. However, Bad Andy (these days commonly referred to as Marshall Law) managed to infiltrate, and was by all accounts significantly underwhelmed by their attempts.
"Where's the spiralling down from high aerial to underwater gannet shot off the coast of White Island, coming back to talk conservation on the wharf at Tauranga with two Maori kids?" he was quoted as saying. "And where the catchy film titles?"

Anyway, I have to say that despite all their faults, some members of this year's class are becoming adequate soccer players, thanks largely to the hard work done my myself and Marshall Law to whip them into shape.

I encourage you all to blog your thoughts on life out there in the real world, that way you can keep yourself informed on the goings on here in the City of Dreams, including the traumatic progress of film school geeks and their projects!